Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
If you have been the victim or a witness of an incident that has left you with post traumatic stress disorder then you could be in line to claim for compensation. At Tranter Cleere we have over 25 years’ experience of helping post traumatic stress victims claim the compensation that they deserve after an accident.
People who experience post traumatic stress disorder will usually do so after an incident in which they have received a certain amount of shock, this can happen straight away or anywhere up to 6 months after the event.
Symptoms can include flashbacks, difficulty sleeping and nightmares or extreme muscle tension which can leave people unable to work. If you have experience any of these symptoms after an incident then contact us today and find out how we can help you make a claim for loss of earnings.
Claiming For PTSD
Historically, claiming for PTSD was quite difficult although with increased awareness with the condition, more people are now successfully claiming the compensation that they deserve. Our specialist team treat all cases with the sensitivity they require and keep you informed of every process during your claim.
If you have been suffering from post traumatic stress disorder and believe that you are entitled to compensation then why not contact us today on 0800 6 12 11 13 or leave a message on our contact page and someone will get back to you.
No Win, No Fee, Hassle-Free Process
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